What are people trying to achieve by eating mushrooms?
Everything from weight loss, improved immune system, increased Vitamin D, and even a natural attempt to cure cancer. As we have now discussed several times and will continue to revisit throughout this series, improving the immune system is often misunderstood. Yes, the immune system kicks things into high-gear upon the consumption of fungus, but not because it is energized or revitalized. It is because there is so much filth to clean up it has to call in the troops for a massive sanitization launch. In my Herbal Studies coursework we even studied how some mushrooms are used as an alternative to chemotherapy, killing cancerous cells. Just like every other form of chemotherapy, this is also toxic and will destroy the good with the bad.
Why are mushrooms acidifying to the blood and tissues? Well, as I said, I am not an expert on fungi, but simply put they consume dead bodies and feces. They clean up the world by breaking down dead plants, animals, and poop. It actually almost sounds good at first glance: they could clean up our bodies then, right? Nope. They just break down our bodies causing an acidic chain of events that leaves the blood looking like a toxic wasteland. Mushrooms can actually be alkaline, as can algae, but there is an acidic chain-reaction that takes place upon consumption. Algae is very similar in how in impacts the blood. Doing some research online, there actually doesn't seem to be an abundance of knowledge about this fascinating stuff. It is important to our world, but just like mushrooms, wreaks havoc on our blood and bodies. It would appear to me that algae does in water what mushrooms do on land, clean up by consuming what is breaking down. Just like mushrooms, people boast of health benefits of algae, even correctly stating it contains chlorophyll. It does, yes, but it will not build healthy blood because it causes far more damage that the chlorophyll it provides. As with mushrooms, I am no algae expert, but the blood doesn't lie and we can see immediately the harmful impact all forms of fungus and algae have on the blood (including blue-green algae, chlorella, spirulina, and all "healthy" mushrooms).
Truth: the most disgustingly filthy blood I ever saw I observed after someone was trying to improve their health by using a scoby for a few weeks. Technically, a scoby is a yeasty fungal mess that would be in the mushroom class and not the algae group, but since it was growing in her fridge in water I wonder if there is also an element of algae involved.