In his opening paragraph and title, he asserts that the anti-vaxxers are winning and predicts that we will see a reversal in our "steady health gains", starting with a measles outbreak. He goes on to say that "Measles is one of the most contagious and most lethal of all human diseases."
I need to interject right here. Health gains?!?! Our society is overwhelmingly ill. Since the widespread use of plumbing has been instituted, our society has never seen the level of disease we are currently seeing. We have more people with disease than without, including cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, autism, ADD, ADHD, seizure disorders, encephalopathy, lupus, Crohn's Disease, Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, acute flaccid paralysis, heart-disease, and hundreds more! What we have is a society that is becoming paralyzed with chronic illness!
As he continues to discuss the unwarranted theory of herd-immunity, he mentions that in the 1950's in America 4,000,000 people a year were infected with measles and that 450 died.
Wait a minute. Back right up. Didn't this physician and vaccine developer just call measles both "one of the most lethal diseases" and then give us the statistics that show that IF you contracted measles, you have a 99.98875% chance of surviving (followed by life-long immunity)? And in the 1950's not everyone had full-blown luxury plumbing like we do today. Some of those that died might have had other underlying conditions, we don't know. Either way, those are some amazing odds...if you are one of the .02% of the population to contract measles (link to 1950 census, here), you have practically a 100% chance of survival.
He goes on to say that measles kills 100,000 people a year worldwide, and that he is a scientist leading global efforts to develop vaccines for poverty-related diseases. He also shares that he has a daughter with autism and other disabilities. He asserts that vaccines are NOT the cause of autism and offers some ideas of what MIGHT be.
I am going to assert that it is not the measles killing 100,000 people worldwide. If measles does not kill where we have adequate plumbing, it isn't the measles. Viruses don't discriminate based on what part of Earth you live on. If you don't have proper nutrition and sanitary living conditions, the impact of disease will be felt more than if you do. The 99.99875% of Americans in the 1950's did not survive measles because we are super-people that diseases cower to. No. We were able to wash them away, rest, eat some clean veggies and fruits, and drink plenty of clean water. They can label the cause of death "measles" but measles isn't that powerful in the face of plumbing. If we took all of the money going into all of the programs to develop and distribute more vaccines to the people dying, we could supply them with sanitary water and plumbing solutions, and really make a difference.
I can't imagine the struggle of a parent with a disabled child. It literally breaks my heart. I also know many doctors and parents who have vaccinated have a really hard time facing the fact that their choice to vaccinate may have caused or contributed to their child's condition. For some people, that is just too much to bear. Many doctors would have to go through a lot therapy and devastation if they were to face how many cases of cancer, learning disabilities, brain injuries, autism, and various disabilities that their advice and administration of vaccines have caused. There are not only studies (study connecting vaccines and brain disorders, link to study one vaccine ingredient showing extreme toxicity and cancer, 1000 peer reviewed reports and studies), but hundreds of thousands of testimonies of vaccine injury. And the one study that has never been done is comparing the health on unvaccinated individuals to vaccinated ones. It might not be the answer that we want - that vaccines have caused and contributed to scores of diseases - but it is true and we owe it to our children, the families that can acknowledge why their children suffer debilitating diseases, and future generations to put our intentions aside and face the hard truth.
What does the author want? Well he doesn't want "unwarranted investigations" of vaccine safety or the CDC fraud. He claims that people are afraid to go to the mall because of the dread of measles. Well, it sounds to me like he doesn't want the truth. If people knew the truth - that the odds of contracting measles in a massive, unprecedented outbreak since the 1950's was .02% and the chances of surviving the week-long rash was over 99.9% certain, no one would be afraid of measles or going anywhere in fear of getting it. If said "unwarranted investigations" were to prove once and for all that the CDC was involved in fraud and cover-up and that vaccines are a major trigger in almost all cases of autism - why wouldn't a good doctor want that information public? I think deep down we all know that is the truth, and the people that don't want these investigations to move forward just can't handle the truth.
Unfortunately, most anti-vaxxers were once pro-vaxxers that experienced devastating vaccine injury. They watched their children die or watch them suffer daily and have the courage to admit why, and share it with others. But those of us anti-vaxxers that investigated before injecting really are the winners. We won better health. My heart breaks for children suffering disease. I don't say this to gloat, boast, or brag. I say this hoping that some parents will read it and stop fearing short-lived illnesses and properly fear injecting poison into their children so that they can experience the joy of healthy living...with little, or in the case of most non-vaccinating families zero: allergies, asthma, ear infections, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, hearing loss, influenza, juvenile arthritis, bowel disorders, diabetes, and hundreds more now common childhood illnesses.
Isn't it sad we've traded our former "common childhood illnesses" which lasted a week followed by lifelong immunity, such as measles and chicken pox, for our current "common childhood illnesses" which include life-long brain damage, autism, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, and life-threatening allergies?
Such fools, we've strained out a gnat and swallowed a camel.