Now, having said that, and seeing what I had seen working with cancer patients, it is fair to say that I had a bit of trauma. I had seen a little girl who was on the brink of death make a remarkable recovery only to lose her battle with cancer, and it all boiled down to what she ate. Or, at least, that is the narrative those of us who worked with her had all accepted. Foods that are high in bacteria, are bacteria-forming, or have a high load of blood fermenting microorganisms include animal products, sugars, fungus, and ferments to name a few. The focus here is on the animal products as being the highest in bacterial loads, simply because they are biological.
As a side note to how this impacted my home life and parenting, I had learned years ago from a wise and wonderful man, that we all make promises to ourselves. Some promise themselves "I will never be like the person who hurt me" and others promise "I will never let anyone hurt me", and there are many other subconscious promises made in between.
I had not had children yet of my own, but after my experience with this little girl, I had, through tears sitting in the parking lot of the funeral home, apparently promised myself that I would protect my children from illness every way I could. Because of the things I had learned and had seen, the only meat they ate all their lives was salmon and tuna. The lists of unauthorized food items was lengthy and exhaustive. It was also exhausting. But I didn't care or mind. After all, it was worth not living through what I saw others experience.
Fast forward to last year. The kids are pre-teens and my husband had been complaining of pain everywhere, constantly. I took a look at his blood under the microscope and it horrified me! The bacteria load was out of control and I could see tissue breakdown throughout his body. I know his sweet tooth would get the best of him so I opted to put him on a ketogenic diet, because I knew he would not last on a true alkaline cleanse or diet. I had been processing 1 Timothy 4:1-4 for some time and was adopting it as absolute truth and at that moment decided to rely on this truth for his switch to heavy meat-eating. We had already started shifting things and loosening up, but this was a big step for me.
1 Timothy 4:1-4 says:
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."
So, that night we started diligently sanctifying our food. Don't get me wrong, we always prayed before meals, thanking God for His provision, but we became intentional about asking Him to sanctify it. I looked at his blood two days later to see if there was progress... EVERYTHING was different! I have included some photos here. These photos prove God's promise on a microscopic level!!!
He promised to clean our food when we eat it, IF we sanctify it. Under the new covenant, the dietary restrictions were removed, because He cleans it all supernaturally - nothing is unclean.
Here is sample picture of his blood when he was in pain, every small dark spec is bacteria. You can see them within a cell and in the plasma.
A Few additional thoughts...
1. Not everyone gets the promise - it is for those in the faith.
2. We must be thankful and not word-curse our food.
3. We must pause before we eat and stop to thank the Lord for His provision and ask Him to sanctify it. He never promised to clean all food everywhere, and we could see that in the first photo.
4. We not only have God's promises, but we can even prove them on a microscopic level. How cool is that?
5. While we still avoid a few things (like food dyes) my children have been able to eat pretty much everything. Crazy thing...they are fine. I know I can trust God with my children. I trust His promises. My children also know to sanctify their food and drinks.
6. It is not as though I EVER had any control at all over their well-being, I had the illusion of control, and the weight of that caused me immense stress. If they ever had the slightest sniffle, the pressure was on to make it stop. Do we all want to protect our loved ones from illness? Sure. But I am so thankful that is not my burden to carry. 🙌
Praise the Lord!!