Camille's Favorite
It truly amazes me that this is my 3-year-old daughter's favorite salad. It all began when she couldn;t wait for the kale chips. As I was loading them up on the dehydrator tray she asked for some. I told her she'd have to wait until the next day because they were still wet. She wanted to try them wet. She loved it. She kept running back asking for more. The next time I was making them, she ran up to me and asked for wet kale chips. I gave her a bowl full, and then after she finished that bowl, she had a second bowl. I love that she loves this!
Organic Curly Kale, chopped into bite-sized pieces
Nacho Cashew Cheese
Coat kale with cashew cheese and enjoy!
Organic Curly Kale, chopped into bite-sized pieces
Nacho Cashew Cheese
Coat kale with cashew cheese and enjoy!