When you are experiencing a crisis in your health, there are lots of options to choose from to search for healing... Do you go with hospitals and doctors? Do you take a poll on fb to gather the advice of all your friends with their google doctorate? Do you seek the advice of a Naturopath? Maybe you go to a "healer"? Maybe you go to your Pastor and ask for prayer and to be annointed with oil? |
Some people don't trust "medicine" regulated by the government, viewing it largely as pharmakeia and opt for a more natural route to acquire health. This is a windy road, and depending on the Naturopath you seek, you can end up with any mix of methods from complete quackery and utter nonsense to occult practices and witchcraft to obtain your health. You may end up with legitimate, scientific methods that are effective, but most likely, if you seek the advice of several different Naturopaths, you will end up with several different strains of advice. Needless to say, that doesn't evoke much confidence when your health, and possibly life, is on the line.
As always, when viewing the body, blood, someone's health crisis the first thing I seek to do is find the cause. I usually am thinking in the "natural" and not the supernatural. I ask lots of questions that give me clues as to causative contributing factors for someone's illness. Then I make suggestions based on my findings. This is usually very effective...except for when it is not.
There are things that work to heal the body, repair severe damage, and boost the immune system. It's not even complicated most of the time. It's simple. It's science.
But SOMETIMES, it doesn't work. And a person continues to troubleshoot to find the root issue at the base of all the health problems. And more methods are tried. And that cycle continues. And NOTHING works.
As I was processing my Pastor's sermon series on New Ageism in the church, a lightbulb went on. It's something I should have been much more aware of over the years, but hasn't been my primary focus.
1. You and your family get sick ALL THE TIME regardless of your efforts to eat well and live a healthy life. You just don't understand what could be the cause. One by one you eliminate every single thing that could be part of it, you make expensive changes to better the situation, and every time you turn around, someone is sick, injured, or suffering and you simply don't know why or what to do.
2. You have a serious condition that NOTHING helps. The condition that keeps coming to mind at the moment that is a great example is seizures. There are allopathic meds and natural ones that are extremely effective for this. This is also an issue for which Jesus cast out demons. I can assure you that no matter how effective CBD is for seizures according to studies, if they are being caused because of demons, no amount of CBD will make them stop. This is also true for cancer, other neurological disorders, and many other conditions.
Here are a few doorways in which demons can take authority in your life to wreak havoc:
1. One in particular that is not named in the list below is via needles. One pastor I know, Pastor Troy Towns, had done a series on piercings being a doorway. While not the same, if you combine needles with the witchcraft practice of pharmakeia, that is another open door to allow demons in.
2. Accursed objects in your home. This can include books, games, costumes, ornaments, and objects with magic, symbols, and sorcery. It can also include objects with intention to heal or bring power of some sort. No matter how innocent, fun, playful, or harmless it may seem or how innocent you feel your heart is regarding these things, I assure you that they are not powerless. If you are struggling with a serious health or mental condition that no efforts have been able to shake, let me ask you - is it worth it? If you could be free by discarding these things from your home and seeking deliverance, would you do it?
Ecclesiastes 10:8 "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.
Here are some more ways to break the hedge of protection around you: