Set your "Rules"
There are many different types and levels of cleansing, from eliminating 1 item, to truly cleaning house. Just like for some people spring cleaning might mean catching up on laundry while for others they throw away everything they haven;t used in the last year, and scrub every inch of their home top to bottom. You want to make this a challenge, but one you can accomplish. It also depends on your health. The more health challenges you have, the stricter (and longer) the cleanse should be. Here are some examples of ways to cleanse:
1) Just green juice. All juiced with a juicer, all green, no fruit.
2) Liquid cleanse. Here you can have veggies in the juicer and shakes by putting them in the blender with water. Adding avocado to your veggie shakes helps you get needed fats and emulsify the shake also. It is more strict and a deeper cleanse if you do not include fruit, but if you are pretty healthy and just want to detox you can decide if having one or 2 of your drinks during the day can include fruit. You can also decide if you want to add some lightly cooked veggies to include hot, but blended, soups. You can also have raw pureed soups made in the blender. Another addition to a liquid cleanse is making your own fresh, raw, live nut milks by soaking raw nuts in water for a few hours, rinsing them off and blending with alkaline water. Strain and enjoy. You can add this to green juice to mellow it out for a special treat.
3) All raw. Adding a salad or piece of fruit during the day, or even some raw nuts is another type of cleanse.
Here is a chart to help you keep your cleanse alkaline.
My cleanse this month is going to start out liquid for 3 days to 1 week and then will transition to all raw.
Once you have decided the parameters of your cleanse it is great to keep a log of what you are consuming. I like to include the date, my weight, my water consumption, baking soda shots, supplements, shakes, juice, health drink.
More tips for success:
1) Drink your body weight in ounces of water daily. So, if you are 39 pounds, drink 39 ounces of water per day - in addition to your meals which are your also liquids right now.
2) Drink a meal every 2 hours. It isn't always convenient to blend something every 2 hours, so you can blend extra in the morning and pour it into a few sealable containers and store in the fridge. This is great if you are going to work.
3) Take baking soda shots. The link above explains when and how along with testing your pH on a cleanse.
4) To deep clean the blood add cloves of raw garlic to your salty shakes!
5) Include a daily health drink.
6) Recruit a friend and hold each other accountable. It always helps when you are not alone. Let me know you are joining me!
7) Choose your thoughts wisely. It can be challenging when you are hungry. It is easy to fast when you are full, or even planning on it while you are stuffing your face. But once you are doing it and you get hungry it gets hard. You can have waves of head aches, nausea, and other symptoms that are unpleasant. It is part of the process. It means you are getting rid of the trash. Instead of thinking "I'm starving" I like to think "I'm starving the toxins!". Rather than thinking "I feel awful" I think "I'm getting rid of everything awful!". And when you are sitting next to someone NOT cleansing with you and watching them stuff their face and grain with delight instead of thinking "This sucks!" I like to think "This is worth it. I am healing my body, setting myself up for a healthy life, a good example, and accomplishing my goals! I'm not going to die...I'm going to live better." And some days I need to remind myself often "I'm not going to die if I don't eat that. :D" Can you tell I struggle with self-control yet?
8) Connect with me at Alkaline Mom for more tips and support. Message me or set up a consult with me if you want more tips on how to make your cleanse most effective for your personal goals.