with 2 fresh salads, but I wanted to add some more ideas to keep you going...
It really helps to have a plan and maybe some day I will do a group cleanse, but for now, I just want everyone to be encouraged to be as healthy as possible, and help make it a success!
Here are some thoughts on how to navigate your daily routine in cleanse mode:
1. Start off with your daily green shake - see the blog post if you missed it or forget...
2. Have another green shake for lunch or a salad! Or make your salad into a sandwich by making it a wrap on sprouted whole grain bread (be sure to avoid any breads or wraps with corn in them!)
3. Snack! Some snack ideas are kale chips, avocados, or raw nuts such as almonds, pecans, or walnuts.
4. For Dinner: Have another filling salad, a veggie soup, or change your salad up a bit like and try these:
Chili Salad
Thai Salad