#10 Drinking Your Pee (also known as Urine Therapy or UT)
I had a few on my list of choices for the #10 (my final post in this series) so I asked Dr. Young which one he would like me to wrote about and he said "Urine Therapy!"
It is hard to begin. This is an ancient practice used as pretty much a cure-all for numerous ailments, or when all else fails as a last ditch effort to generate healing in a person. Many UT boasters refer to urine as a healing nectar and liken its healing qualities to that of breast milk. It is used internally (not only drinking but in enemas, too) and topically (for skin problems, ear infections, eye drops, gargle, and much more) but I am really only going to get into the consumption aspect. I have fantastic recipe's for natural creams and I would use essential oils topically for any topical healing application before I would ever use urine, but if someone wants to pee on themselves, it is not nearly as harmful as drinking the u-juice.
WHY are people doing this?!?!?!
Well, this practice has been going on for a VERY long time, possibly over 2500 years. People attest that it has cured everything from eczema to gray hair and ear infections to cancer. UT promoters actually refer to urine as a food, a live food. I have seen some writers describe it as supernatural, a life-force, and a medical elixir. While there seems to be no evidence of scientific proof that it has cured anything, people testify a whole lot about it and those that practice it swear by it.
What are thoughts and theories behind these claims?
"One's own urine, a living food, contains elements that are specific to one's body alone. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of." (Source)
My Response as a pH Miracle Microscopist and advocate of New Biology (TM):
To this point alone: we don't need antibodies, excreted hormones, or enzymes. Too many antibodies without the actual bacteria/virus/disease to fight will start attacking our own body and lead to autoimmune diseases. Hormones indicate to us certain aspects of our health, but in fact they are acidic by-products of various bodily functions. Dr. Young explains this in terms of a car. Look at the car, imagining for a minute that we did not design them and knew nothing of how they operate. We would see that they excrete exhaust as they are driven. When they run out of exhaust they no longer run. Supplementing the body with hormones would be similar to trying to give a car more exhaust to get it to go. It doesn't need exhaust, it needs gasoline. We also do not need enzymes for food digestion. The food is only digested by physical breakdown and all of the secretions as it passes through the body are a result of trying to maintain proper pH.
Next promotional thought:
"Eventually, this purified "clean" blood undergoes a filtering process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibodies, urea, uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by the body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that is urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced. The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because they are toxic and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need a particular concentration of an element at that specific point in time. It is this very regulating process of the kidneys that allows us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time." (Source)
Any vitamins, salts, and minerals needed should be replenished through our food and therapeutic doses can come even in the form of high-quality supplements. While it is true that the kidneys work to balance the body, they have more than one purpose and they do also excrete waste that has not been properly eliminated by the liver. Urea and uric acid are acidic waste products. Uric acid build up can cause gout because it is acidic and can get stored in joints if not properly eliminated. I have often heard Dr. Young say "pee your way to health". By eliminating your urine, you are cleansing your body. When people are on a pH Miracle cleanse they are eliminating A LOT, but they are encouraged that with every time they go to the bathroom, they are getting rid of acidic waste and healing their body. I started saying "excrete your way to health" because we eliminate the waste not only through the urine, but also through the sweat, bowels, and heavy breathing.
Whatever urine has been hailed for, there are alkaline options that are even more effective without having to drink your pee. One avid promotor even says that true UT consists not only of drinking at least 2.5 liters of the u-juice daily, but also being massaged in it from head to toe and keeping a wet-pack of it on the abdomen. I've got to say, I would not even enter a building in which that was taking place, let alone do it. Most advocates urge drinking the first morning pee for the most concentrated results.
I am going to stick to baking soda in my water, green shakes, my body weight in ounces of alkaline water daily, chlorophyll, and raw juice and flush the urine down. If your thirsty, try this nutrient-dense raw green dessert shake I came up with today:
RAW Salted Caramel Apple Pie Green Shake
Have you tried Urine Therapy? Would you?
Other remedies that just missed the list that I might discuss in the future (just in case I have not offended you yet...or in case you want to make sure to avoid something you are doing that might be offering some healing benefits but actually likely simultaneously harming you):
Eating your placenta
Red Yeast Rice
Fermented Cod Liver Oil